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Genuine Korthals Griffon - The Ultimate Hunting Companion


The term “Griffon ” is commonly used to describe a lion-like appearance. This term has been applied to other breeds such as the Brussels Griffon and the Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen. These breeds all have the mustache, eyebrows, and beard which gives it the lion-like appearance. 


The Korthalsian period for the hunting griffon saw the fixing of breed type. In 1873, at age 23, Edward Karel Korthals undertook serious breeding of the Wirehaired Pointing Griffon. In his breeding program he noted the dog to have a high intelligence, robust attitude, and resistance to foul weather. He described them as excellent for hunting waterfowl and working in all terrain. His breeding stock started with 20 dogs which were composed of: three spaniels, two water Spaniels (Barbet), seven Griffons, a French Pointer (Braques), and a Pointerized Setter. From these – the seven patriarchs of his breeding program were established and recorded in the Griffon Stud Book (GSB). 


Less than 10 years later, the Griffon type was established. On November 15th, 1887, Edward Korthals and 16 other breeders signed and published an agreement on the breed standard. This is the standard used by the Korthals Griffon Club of America. This standard is published in the book by Jean Castaing.


The Korthals Griffon Club of America was founded by people dedicated to preserving the genuine Korthals Griffon in the United States. The appearance of a tan point color which was considered by Castaing as "evidence of misalliance" which means that these dogs are considered hybrids and not genuine Korthals Griffons. Unfortunately these hybrids were unknowingly introduced into American breeding programs without the knowledge of the griffon breeder and these dogs are registered by the AKC as purebred Wirehaired Pointing Griffons.


The genetics research was accomplished by Carol Ptak and captured in her white paper Breed improvement or destruction Only publicly available data were used to complete this analysis. The mission of the Korthals Griffon Club of America is to unite people dedicated to the genuine Korthals griffon and educate the breeders and buying public on the value of the genuine Korthals Griffon as a healthy long-lived hunting companion. Join us to preserve this wonderful breed!


New content is now available on the Health and Genetics link of health conditions noted in the hybrid griffon


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